Sapulpa Schools will continue in Distance Learning for Wednesday

Although we didn’t get the 6-8 inches of snowfall predicted for the area, the freezing drizzle, light snow flurries, and sub-freezing temperatures remain, driving Sapulpa Schools administrators to make the call that Wednesday will indeed be another Distance Learning day for the district.

Slick roads and sub-freezing temperatures have dominated the local headlines for the day, including accidents on Hwy 75, New Sapulpa Road, and the Turner Turnpike.

Lone Star has also already canceled classes for tomorrow, and other rural schools are expected to follow suit.


Sapulpa School officials say they have not yet made decisions for Thursday. See the full statement below.

Dear students, parents and guardians,

Sapulpa Public Schools will continue to be in Distance Learning on Wednesday, February 19 due to winter weather hazards. Administrators are monitoring the weather closely. Decisions have not been made for Thursday, but we will notify you of changes as soon as possible.

Secondary students will log into Schoology to complete assignments and elementary students will work from learning menus sent home or posted online. 


Sapulpa Public Schools

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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