Sapulpa salon burglary leaves owners perplexed

Southern Cuts, at 804 E. Taft, is working to get back to a feeling of security after being burglarized on Wednesday, October 30th.

The back door to Southern Cuts shows damage from being forced open with a crowbar.

It appears that the thieves broke in using a crowbar on the back door to pry it open, and went after a minimal amount of money and goods once they got inside.

Owner Heather Edgington says that replacing the stuff that’s been lost is possible, but “that feeling of being victimized never goes away,” she said.


Edgington, who opened Southern Cuts almost five years ago with a friend, said she and her friend put their life savings into getting the shop up and running.

While they’re grateful that nobody was hurt, Edgington says that the burglary feels personal because of items that were stolen.

“They took our receipts for taxes. Why would they do that if they were looking for stuff to sell?”

In addition, Edgington says it was obvious the culprit knew their way around. “They knew where our extra bags were, so they could dump them out and use them to carry stuff,” she says.

Among the other missing items were combs and scissors (only hers, not the other stylists’) and an iPad charging cord. They had purchased security cameras but had not yet had them installed. They were taken as well.

Edgington says that her customers have made things easier on them. “We really went our customers and the community to know how much we appreciate all they’ve done for us,” she said. 

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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