Sapulpa Public Schools will return to in-person learning tomorrow, with one exception

An official statement from Sapulpa Public Schools announced on Monday that all sites would be returning to in-person learning on Tuesday, save one.

Bartlett Academy is the single site that will not be returning to in-person learning on Tuesday, and Communications Director Heather Browne told Sapulpa Times that the reason was that 50% of the school’s staff is absent. Bartlett will continue distance-learning through Thursday, January 20th.

All Sapulpa Schools moved to distance learning on Wednesday of last week, citing large staff and student absences. They also announced they’d be deep cleaning all school sites while the students were out.


See the school’s full statement below:

Sapulpa Public Schools will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, January 18.

One exception will be Bartlett Academy which will stay in Distance Learning through Thursday, January 20.

We continue to monitor illnesses and absences among staff and students closely, and we will immediately alert our parents, students and staff if the plan changes.

Featured image provided by Sapulpa Public Schools Facebook Page.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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