Sapulpa Public Library hosts first annual Poetry Gala

In honor of National Poetry Month, the Sapulpa Public Library held a poetry contest open to all ages. Assistant Librarian Debra Chandler announced the winners at a celebratory event held Saturday, April 22, in Frank Hall.

Chandler said of the adult categories: “Everything was so hard to judge from that we could not help doing a couple of honorable mentions.

“The first of those honorable mentions goes to Miracle Harward. The second honorable mention goes to a patron who we have known and loved for a long time here, Marilyn Asbury.”


A certificate of honorable mention was given and a certificate along with a cash prize was awarded to each winner.

In the Teen Category:

  • First Place—Edie Tillery for her poem: “School; Learn, Adapt, Survive”
  • Second Place—Peyton Thompson for their poem: “The Struggle”
  • Third Place—Cameron Bryan for their poem: “Existing as a Trans Person”
Edie Tillery

In the Adult Category:

  • First Place—Victoria Morse for her poem: “The Five Senses”
  • Second Place—Brittany Lee for her poem: “Her World With Dementia”
  • Third Place—Ann Cornelius for her poem: “The Fight”

Brittany Lee then gave a heartfelt reading of her poem: “Her World With Dementia.

Following Ms. Lee, Edie Tillery read her poignant poetic work: “School; Learn, Adapt, Survive.”

Debra Chandler asked if anyone else wanted to read their poems, and asked the audience to indulge her. She subsequently read a poem by Oklahoma Native American Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, titled: “Four Songs.”

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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