Sapulpa Public Library has reopened with some limitations

The Bartlett-Carnegie Sapulpa Public Library at 27 West Dewey Avenue reopened Monday, May 18th, under Phase 2 of Governor Stitt’s “Open Up and Recover Safely” plan.

The library staff will be wearing masks to protect the public. Patrons are encouraged to wear masks to protect others, including the staff. There will be a limit of 10 patrons at a time in the building, and social distancing protocols are to be followed.

The only entrance to the library will the Main Entrance on the north side of the building. Only the upper floor of the library is open to the public, which means that there will be no access to the Genealogy Department. People wishing to do research may access online databases. Handicapped patrons may call the library in advance to make arrangements to enter the lower part of the building.


Following American Library Association guidelines, all environmental surfaces such as keyboards, desks, etc., will be sanitized after use. Any media that is returned is kept in quarantine for 48 hours to reduce the risk of environmental transmission.

Currently, the library is not accepting donations due to the pandemic and the fact that Tulsa Public Schools made a massive donation, leaving no shelf space.

The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. As always, the computers are shut down 15 minutes prior to closing. The Bartlett-Carnegie Sapulpa Public Library will be closed Monday, May 25th, in observance of Memorial Day.

For questions regarding library services, please call 918-224-5624.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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