The Sapulpa Police Department has just released a new recruitment video that really shines the spotlight on why Sapulpa is becoming something of a big draw for officers in the area.
The video runs just four minutes long, but it packs a lot of great information, which, coupled with the live shots of officers in action, should be enough to make any police officer at least consider Sapulpa.

The video was shot and produced by Venture Film Studios, a local video shop headed up by Chris Neal. Neal also did a popular video with Sapulpa Times in 2022 about the 1922 Packard project by the Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum. That video helped the museum win an award for “best events and public promotions,” courtesy of the National Association of Automobile Museums.
“Working with the Sapulpa Police Department in producing their recruitment video was an incredible experience,” Neal said. “This department is filled with men and women who care deeply about what they do, and the community they do it for.”
In this new video, Neal and his crew at Venture Films made the supportive community of Sapulpa one of the key points in recruiting new officers.
“We really support each other, all the way from officers, up to admin, all the way to the city,” said Officer Cady Byrnes, who has been with the department for five years.
“Here in Sapulpa, we’re really a big family,” she said. “Sometimes we’ll go to each other’s kid’s games, stuff like that. For us, it’s more than work.”
Officer Moreno was featured in the video talking about the benefits of working for a smaller police statement. Moreno, who’s been on the force for three years, said “in a bigger agency, you’re just another body on the street, and they don’t hear from you for like two weeks, a month. Here, every single day, you’re speaking with your supervisors, your leadership—you’re definitely not just a number on the street.”
Aside from the family-oriented culture, Officer Byrnes talks in the video about how the Sapulpa Police Department puts an emphasis on the officers’ actual families as well:
“One of our big draws is that immediately, as soon as you start, you get every other weekend off, which is unheard of in the police world,” she said. “You’re going to be part of a family that really cares about you, and doesn’t just need you out on the street.”
It’s not all fun and games, however. Moreno adds that there’s an expectation of their officers to do their best and do it well, wherever that path might take them. “Here they want you to do follow-ups, do investigation, they kinda do it all here. If you want it, you can get it. If you want to sit around and do nothing, I’d probably go somewhere else,” he said.
Neal was able to take the best points of these conversations and edit them into a catchy, memorable recruitment tool for the SPD that will no doubt do a lot to draw in more officers to the growing city.
Neal just says that he’s happy to be the one to do the job.
“I’m honored that we could capture, for just a few days, the good work that they do on a daily basis,” he said.
See the video now: