Sapulpa police catch a Sand Springs man that has a penchant for stealing chainsaws

A Sand Springs man was arrested Monday, March 25 for three separate incidences of larceny that occurred on Monday, March 18 and Wednesday, March 20 in Sapulpa. 

On Wednesday, March 20 Sapulpa Police Officer Brandon Welsh responded to a report of burglary at the AAA Rental on East Cobb. Eulan Pack, the reporting party and victim, stated that another employee called him earlier that morning to notify him that he saw someone jump over the fence around their equipment yard. Mr. Pack reviewed security footage and saw a man “sneaking” around his equipment yard and moving items at around 9 a.m. that morning. 

When he went outside to investigate, he made contact with a subject resembling the man in the video and wearing the same clothes. Mr. Pack was able to identify the subject as Alexander Joshua Milner (Defendant) because he has rented items to Milner before and has a picture of his Oklahoma driver’s license. 


After reviewing the video footage from that morning, Pack went further back to inspect additional footage and discovered that on Monday, March 18 at approximately 3:16 p.m. the Defendant can be seen taking a Stihl TS420 cut quick saw (valued at $1,300) from inside the store while an employee is outside. 

Mr. Pack said the video shows the Defendant removing the saw and leaving from the back area of the shop. The footage continues with him walking from the building to the fence on the south side of the property where there is a hole cut. Detective Shawn Hayes was present and viewed the video footage with Mr. Pack. 

Mr. Pack further stated that there are three areas of his fence that have been damaged and cut, allowing the Defendant to enter and exit the property more easily. 

About an hour after he attempted to rob AAA Rental, the Defendant struck Atwood’s. 

An Atwood’s employee received an alert via radio that a subject (the Defendant) left the store with two Stihl chainsaws without paying for them. The employee was able to locate the Defendant in the parking lot while he was loading one chainsaw (worth $799.99) into a gray SUV. She was able to recover the other chainsaw, worth $399.99, before the Defendant could secure it in his vehicle. 

The Defendant became aware that the employee was attempting to take pictures of his vehicle and its tag, so he reached in and removed the paper tag from the car’s rear window. He then entered the car and began to back out of the parking space, striking the Atwood’s employee in her left arm with the vehicle. As he attempted to pull forward to leave the parking lot he narrowly missed hitting another employee. He eventually fled, traveling eastbound on Taft. 

Sapulpa Police Officer Kevin Taylor was able to identify the suspect as Alexander Joshua Milner through Atwood’s security cameras. Taylor was advised that the Defendant had stolen another Stihl chainsaw on March 19, valued at $399.99. The police report does not specify whether this is a fourth chainsaw in the story and the third taken from Atwood’s, but that is what it implies. 

Further investigation of the Defendant revealed that he is also currently a suspect in a recent burglary in Osage County. Deputy Gee with Osage County disclosed that the Defendant was suspected of stealing several lottery tickets from a gas station which were recovered from room 145 at the Regency Inn (Motel 6) on West Skelly Drive on March 15. The room was registered to the Defendant on March 14. 

A criminal history check of the Defendant shows that just this month he was arrested for grand larceny, false declaration of ownership in pawn, second-degree burglary, knowingly concealing stolen property, and possession of a controlled dangerous substance in Tulsa County. Those charges have been referred to the Tulsa District Attorney. 

In July of 2017, the Defendant was arrested in Sand Springs for first-degree burglary and assault and battery, and in 2018 he received a three-year deferred sentence for second-degree burglary and possession of methamphetamine. 

Milner was arrested by Sapulpa Police on March 25 at the Gateway Motor Inn in Town West on the charges of larceny, assault and battery, grand larceny, and maliciously defacing another’s property. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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