Sapulpa Police arrest car thief with affinity for trailer parks

When you hear someone knocking on your door at night, you don’t typically expect to find them leaving in your car, but that’s what happened to Amber Deal on Wednesday.

Deal told Creek County Sheriff Deputy Edina Thomas that she was in her bedroom at about 9pm when she heard a knock on her front door, and then she heard what sounded like the screen door shutting. By the time she was answering her door, she noticed her purse and keys missing. When she saw looked outside, she saw who police now believe to be Lucas Lawson (pictured) sitting in her car. Deal shouted at him and Lawson drove off.

A short while later, Sapulpa Police reported that they had located the car, this time at another trailer park off of Highway 66. The found the driver, Lucas Lawson, asleep in the driver’s seat. Lawson was booked into the Creek County Jail under first-degree burglary.


The next day, Lawson said that he had crashed his car at 81st street, gone to the nearby trailer park and found Deal’s vehicle with the keys in it. He climbed in and drove to another trailer park, where he fell asleep and was found by Sapulpa Police.

Lawson says he doesn’t know why he was at the trailer park, and attributes his sleepiness and memory loss to the Xanax he’d been taking.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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