Sapulpa Nazarene Church offering free sports camp for 1st-6th graders

At MEGA Sports Camp, kids can choose between soccer, basketball, cheer, and art. We are offering kids who have finished kindergarten to fifth grade one awesome time. It doesn’t matter if they’ve played all their life or just started yesterday, MEGA Sports Camp helps kids improve their skills. All sorts of drills and practice games will get kids focused on the fundamentals that make athletes great. Plus, MEGA Sports Camp creates a positive and encouraging environment that pumps up their confidence and self-esteem.

Between Sports Sessions, coaches will lead songs and help kids experience sports and Bible stories to help character-building themes take hold in kids’ hearts. And most importantly, kids will discover God’s great love for them.

So come on over! You can join the MEGA Sports Camp team at 302 S Elm. It starts on May 31st and lasts through June 3, from 6:30-8:30pm and then on June 4th from 11am-1pm for the final games and a FREE lunch. For complete information and to register visit


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