Sapulpa Masonic Lodge donates $10,000 to Liberty STEM Elementary

Today at Liberty STEM Elementary assembly, Bud Martelle, representing Masonic Lodge 170 of Sapulpa, handed STEM Club Coordinator Kimberly McCallum a check for $10,000. The money will be used to fund the two STEM Club student field trips this summer. The local Lodge raised $5,000 and the Masonic Charity Foundation matched those funds. This is the fifth year Sapulpa Masonic Lodge 170 has donated to this cause.

The students will be divided into two groups. Group 1 will be going to Arizona where they will be visiting the Grand Canyon, botanical gardens, learn about Biomimicking, and an environmental organization will be hosting a Star party for the students to observe the heavens.

Group 2 will go to Texas. The students will tour the Johnson Space Center in Houston, collect local marine animals from the Salt Marshes in the Houston and Galveston areas. The students will also be dissecting a shark at the University of Texas at Galveston.


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