By Charles Betzler
Outgoing Lions President and preeminent District Attorney Max Cook opened the Sapulpa Lion’s Club meeting with his typical wit, “I think you all just came to make sure I transfer the power.” Cook then read a short poem he had written for the auspicious occasion:
“Tis the time of year for the gavel to pass
A Time to move forward, and to remember the past
The food’s been good, the jokes were great
Galens’s Groans got louder, just wouldn’t debate
We had a few speakers, they were all pretty good
From tropers to authors, some we even understood
So let’s all be happy, Max’s tenure is done
Now Miss Brenda is the Lion’s number one.”
Following his superb soliloquy, Max proclaimed: “The gavel has been passed!”
Lions Treasurer Kirk Bartgis got up to address the club. “I am going to do two things—we have a Past District Governor, David Woodell, he is going to install our new officers—but before we do that, I want to present something,” he said. “Max, we have a presentation for you, it is kind of why I asked your wife to come and be a part of that. We have made you an Honorary Melvin Jones member of this club, for all the hard work, dedication, the vision, the pushiness, the wonderful jokes, it is just the commitment you have had to this club over the years. The committee wanted you to have this, and it is well deserved.”
While holding the prestigious award, Cook said; “Thank you, it is a surprise to say the least. No speech.”
According to Lions Club International, the Melvin Jones Fellowship “is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism. The recipient of this award becomes a model because of the exemplary service to his club and the community for which it serves.”
Following the award ceremony, the Past District Governor, David Woodell installed the new slate of officers.
Kirk Bartgis, Treasurer; Lora Stewart, Secretary; Galen Cummins, Vice President; and Brenda Smith, President.

Treasurer Kirk Bartgis announced the club had “An SUV full of eyeglasses to donate.”
The Lions collect used eyeglasses and recycle them to be given to those in need.
The Sapulpa Lions Club meets every Wednesday at noon, at Steak and Eggs.
For more information about this worthy organization, go to