Sapulpa Historical Society to open during this week’s Holiday Stroll

Mike Jeffries at the Sapulpa Historical Society has just informed us that they’ll be opening the Museum up as a special event for the Downtown Sapulpa Holiday Stroll kicking off this Thursday.

Jeffries says it’s a good opportunity for anyone who has trouble visiting during their normal open hours to come see the museum.

The museum will be open this Thursday, Dec 7th from 5:30 to 7:30pm in conjunction with the Main Street activities in downtown Sapulpa.


The Downtown Sapulpa Holiday Stroll is an annual event happening this year just two nights—on December 7th and 14th. The nights will feature carriage rides, photos with Santa, late night downtown Shopping and now a chance to visit the Sapulpa Historical Society Museum. The museum tells the history of our town, it’s influential leaders and moments, and has several displays of the Sapulpa experience in days gone by. It’s free to the public, donations are gladly accepted.


Carriage rides are always first come, first serve each evening. Pricing as follows:

Group Carriage Rides:

  • $5- Adults
  • $3 – Kids ages 6-12,
  • free for children aged 5 years and under.

Private Carriage rides:

  • $10 – Adults
  • $5 – Kids ages 6-12
  • free for children aged 5 years and under

Photos with Santa are $5.

Find out more information about this event on the Sapulpa Main Street Facebook Page.


The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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