The Sapulpa Community Theatre will continue with the upcoming September showing of Agatha Christie’s Black Coffee, but changes are happening to help ensure the safety of the cast and crew, as well as that of the patrons attending.
Black Coffee is scheduled to be September 11-13; 18-20. See for purchasing information.
Included in the changes are the requirements of facial coverings for audience members above the age of three. SCT will also work to distance the space between parties in attendance, as well as removing the front row of seating to enlarge the space between the cast and the audience. There will also be no traditional intermission or howdy line at the end of the show. See the official release statement below:

To Our Loyal Patrons,
Our hearts go out to all those whose health and livelihoods have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis. We truly hope that you and yours are staying safe and healthy. It is with long consideration and discussion by our Board Members that we have made the decision to continue our 2020 season as scheduled with Black Coffee by Agatha Christie. At SCT, we understand that safety and health is of utmost importance during this time. We will be taking the following measures to protect both our patrons and our cast and crew.
The CDC has recommended the use of facial coverings while in public spaces. SCT will require the use of facial coverings for our audience members above the age of three. Please plan to bring your own mask and put it on before entering the building. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. We ask that you wear the mask for the duration of the show.
The first row of seating will be removed to provide a safe distance between the actors on stage and our audience. SCT will also distance our seating between parties.We ask that you leave adequate space between patrons while waiting for the restroom. Volunteers will be waiting with sanitizing wipes and/or spray as you exit the restrooms. We ask that you kindly wipe/spray the door and sink handles with the provided wipe/spray. Also, there will be hand sanitizer in the bathroom for your convenience.
SCT will not have our traditional intermission. We ask that you stay in your seats unless you need to use the restroom. Also, there will be no “howdy line” after the conclusion of the show. Please exit the theatre in a timely fashion.
If you or someone in your family has experienced any symptoms or has a fever, or if you have been exposed to or been around someone exposed to the virus, please stay home. By all of us doing our part, we are confident that we can safely bring you the magic of the theatre once again. See you at the theatre!
Sapulpa Community Theatre can be reached at 918-227-2169 or by visiting