Sapulpa Community Theatre announces “mini-season,” shows for 2017

The Sapulpa Community Theatre will be presenting a mini-season, a “curtain call” of sorts, to finish out the 2016 calendar year. From that point forward, the SCT will operate on a calendar year, with shows on the season tickets all falling within 2017.

“We at SCT are excited about the changes we are making to make your community theatre experience as enjoyable as possible,” said SCT board president Debbie Pope. “Your Board of Directors feels that moving to a calendar year is a benefit for our supporters and those new to the theatre experience.”

Featured in that mini-season will be Tuesdays With Morrie, August 5-7, 12-14; Blythe Spirit, October 7-9, 14-16; and Every Christmas Story Ever Told (And Then Some!), December 2-4, 9-11. From that point forward, the SCT will operate on a calendar year, rather than a fiscal year, something that theatre board members think will be easier for patrons and theatre-goers to follow.


“Beginning January 2017, shows for your 2017 season tickets will all fall within 2017,” Pope said.

“This will also make it easier to purchase season tickets as Christmas (Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, and other special occasion) gifts for those who love and support the Sapulpa Community Theatre.”

Tickets for the mini-season will be $10 per show or a special rate of $25 total if the tickets are purchase by July 22, 2016.

The new 2017 season will include The Philadelphia Story, February 3-12; The Rainmaker, March 31-April 2, 7-9; Nunsense, June 2-4, 9-11; See How They Run, September 15-17, 22-24; and It’s A Wonderful Life, a radio play, Dec. 1-3, 8-10,  all of which will be included on the 2017 season ticket.

Auditions for the shows will be announced prior to the beginning of production.

Additionally, the theatre’s board members are seeking directors for both the mini-season and the 2017 season. Those interested in directing should submit a resume with emphasis on their theatre experience as well as their vision for the production they would like to direct, a sample set design, and rehearsal plan to the Sapulpa Community Theatre, P.O. Box 827, Sapulpa, OK, 74067.

For more information, contact the SCT at (918) 227-2169 or email at

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