Sapulpa City Council voted in changes to some of the fees at the Historic Rock Creek Golf Course on Route 66 on Monday evening. A new ordinance was passed that included the removal of two options and the discounting of another.
In a unanimous vote, the City Council eliminated the Family and Corporate Membership options from the Master Fee Schedule, and reduced the Players Card fee from $700 for 30 rounds (without a cart) to $500 for 25 rounds (without a cart).
The changes come after city staff analyzed the fees and their usage, looking for ways for the city and golfers to get the best value for their dollar.
Regarding the Players Card, Sapulpa Project Manager Mike Russell said “We have not sold one yet. And I think the reason for that is that it works out to be roughly $23.30 per round, which is not that much of a discount on our weekend rate, and it’s actually over our cost for our Monday-Friday.”
Similarly, the Family Membership only has two members currently, and Russell says that converting these to individual memberships would actually be more cost-efficient for a family.
“You have a family of four paying $500 each yet have no cart,” he said.
“By making these changes, we will maximize our Green Fee and Cart revenue, along with keeping our fees in line with the surrounding municipal golf courses,” said Russell, who has taken the golf course under his responsibility since the departure of Golf Manager David McBride.
A change was also made to the Senior Discount language to clarify that adults 55 and older would qualify for the discount.
The course has seen increased play and is undergoing improvements, including pre-emergent applications and fertilizations, which are positively impacting playability.
“We’ve definitely seen an increase in revenues,” Russell said.