The Sapulpa Area Parkinson Disease Support Group will meet Wednesday, February 26, at Central Tech in Sapulpa, 1720 S. Main. The meeting will be held at 2:00 in the CCIA Board Room. (Ask for directions at the main desk as you enter.)
In a support group, patients and their families and care givers can learn about the disease itself, keep up with current treatments, and compare notes about resources. More importantly, PD patients can talk about their symptoms, feelings, fears, and successes in a supportive, non-judgmental setting.
This month our program will feature Brian Martray. Brian will bring us up to date on the current state of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS.) DBS is an exciting, promising, and yes, rather scary procedure that can help many Parkinson patients.

Anyone who has an interest in Parkinson Disease is welcome, including Parkinson patients, their families, caregivers, and support personnel.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about Parkinson’s. Come join us in a friendly, relaxed setting for this informative talk. For more information about the meeting, call Jane Johnson at 918-227-1586.
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