Sand Springs Art Studio and Local Beekeeper hosting Art contest to benefit bees

Sand Springs art contest brings artists and bee advocates together to spread awareness about the benefits of bees for the health of individuals and community.

Gary W. Breisch, local beekeeper and hobby farmer, is partnering with ZegArt Studios owner, Darla Zegart to host The Bee-u-tiful Bee Art Contest. The deadline for the art contest is August 18. Entry fees are $5 for children under 12 and $10 for other participants.

“The inspiration behind this contest is to educate the community about the benefits bees provide,” Breisch said. “We want to invite the community to protect the bees and be part of the solution against their decline.”


Bee products, such as honey, honeycomb with beeswax, frozen pollen and propalis, all have amazing benefits. These products are not only nutritious, but also they have antibacterial and healing properties.

Breisch works tirelessly to promote the honeybees and dedicates his one-acre property to educating and practicing healthy organic methods for farming, gardening and resource management. He invites people to his hobby farm at 3001 S 137th W Ave in Sand Springs to learn about the benefits of bees and how to help them.

Winners will be announced and receive their prizes August 25 at 3 p.m. The first place winner will receive a large prize including $100 from ZegArt Studios, jars of honey, a beekeeping book, beeswax candles and t-shirts. There are also second and third place prizes. Winners will have their art displayed on social media.

Participants are invited work on their projects August 11 during the free studio time at ZegArt Studios, 700 E. Charles Page Blvd in Sand Springs.

For more information, contact ZegArt Studios at (918)704-4979 or Gary W. Breisch at (918) 401-0061.

Featured Image: BLUE RIBBON BEST OF SHOW WINS $100 CASH a Basket of BeeKeeper Outlet Bee Products and Art Supplies!  Wonderful prizes for 1st and 2nd place in each category, ribbons and gift certificates for 3rd and 4th place  winners as well.

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to

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