Safe and sane in-person voting

A record number of people are expected to vote in person this year. Voters can follow a few basic tips to ensure safety and sanity.

Wear a mask, social distance, and use hand sanitizer

Even when waiting in line, be sure to wear a mask. If possible, wear a mask that has one layer of filter material. Experts say wearing a mask is more important than ever as COVID-19 cases are reaching record levels as are hospitalizations. Stay at least 6 feet away from the person next to you, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before and after voting. Creek County Election Board Secretary Joy Naifeh said hand sanitizer will be made available to voters.


Be prepared to wait 

There may be a long line at the polls and you may be standing for an extended period of time. Wear comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. Bring something to occupy your time, such as a book, radio, newspaper, or a personal media device.

Proper documents before voting

Make sure you have a state or federally issued photo ID, or your voter registration card on your person to present to the poll worker. 

Ways to avoid long lines

You can vote early in the November election at the Creek County Election Board office at 230 East Hobson Ave. on Thursday, October 29th, and on Friday, October 30th, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday, October 31st, from 9 a.m. To 2 p.m. 

If you choose to vote on election day, you should vote mid-morning and mid-afternoon to avoid delays.

Note: The Masonic Lodge on East Hobson Ave., as always, will make their parking lot available for voters. Due to COVID-19, Voters will enter the Creek County Election Board through the northeast door and exit through the door on the east end of the building. Hobson Ave. and Elm St. will be blocked off to ensure pedestrian safety.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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