The Creek County Democratic Party held its monthly meeting Thursday, June 20th, at the Bristow Community Center. Lynn Belcher presented high school senior Rylee Treloar with the CCDP 2019 Willene Wright Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Ms. Treloar read her winning essay to the assembled members. In her essay, Rylee spoke of shifting the debate from “hot-button” items to ones that all Oklahomans agree on, such as access to affordable healthcare, safe schools with needed resources, and equality for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex. She believes more voters in Oklahoma identify with Democratic Party principles than those of the Republican Party. She emphasized the importance of having civil discourse and to encourage young people to vote. She also stressed the need for civics to be taught in our schools.

The guest speaker was Aaron York, newly elected chair of the 3rd District Democratic Party. Congressional District 3 encompasses 32 counties and 48 percent of the State. Mr. York informed the members of the ways CD-3 was going to help the county parties. A Q&A session followed and many ideas were discussed to strengthen the Oklahoma Democratic Party and to “get Democrats out to vote.”
Chair Stan Johnson called for a vote on the minutes, which were approved as amended, and he discussed the upcoming festivals. There was no New Business and the meeting was adjourned.