Sapulpa’s annual summer event is moving to the fall this year. The Route 66 Blowout, the car show and vendor event that draws tens of thousands of people to Sapulpa’s downtown every year, is moving from its normal June slot to September 12th. Sapulpa Main Street Director Cindy Lawrence says the move was an effort to keep the community in mind as we all try to get comfortable with getting out and about again. “We know people need a chance to get back to normal, and we wanted to push this to a point where people are ready to get out in a crowd like this,” she said.

She points out that thing are still subject to change between now and then, given that we still don’t exactly know what else will be happening by that time. She did say that there are some new ideas they’re looking to try this year, but couldn’t give details just yet.
If you’re interested in being a vendor, you can download the vendor for here.
Farmers Market hoping to open in mid-May
The Sapulpa Main Street Rt. 66 Farmers Market, which was originally scheduled to open on May 2nd, is now hoping to open on May 16th, pending county and city approval. According to Lawrence, Farmers’ Markets are considered an essential business by the Governor, but she still wants to have the support of the city and county before reopening.
Some events on hold for now
Certain Main Street events—like Cash Mob Club or Ladies Night Out—have been put on hold because the businesses they support are closed right now. Lawrence says that when the businesses are allowed to reopen, these weekly or monthly events will simply extend their schedules to accommodate. “The businesses who have missed out on these events are really going to need them when they open back up,” she says. “We’re going to pick up right where we left off.”