Pilot Club of Sand Springs hosting Expo for family caregivers

Pilot Club of Sand Springs is hosting Expo 2016 on Saturday, October 22 at Case Community Center in Sand Springs from 10am to 3pm.

Pilot’s purpose with Expo 2016 is to raise awareness of and provide information to family caregivers.

There are caregivers in every family. They aid family members who may be elderly, or chronically ill adults, or special needs children. Family members requiring help might include disabled veterans, car accidents victims, or impaired athletes. Family caregiving may be short term or long-term. Family caregivers include teenagers, adults and senior spouses. Family caregiving spreads throughout all economic levels.


There are over 85 million family caregivers in the US alone: One national survey revealed that 78% of those family caregivers need more information to help them care for his or her family member.

To meet that demand locally, Pilot Club of Sand Springs invites you to EXPO 2016 – where family caregivers can find the products and services that will help with their daily demands.

There is no charge for people to attend Expo 2016. We invite the Sand Springs metro area to Expo 2016 where each can learn about this increasing segment of our community.

Expo 2016 – Saturday, October 22 from 10am to 3pm at Case Community Center in Sand Springs.

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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