The Kiwanis Club of Sapulpa held their annual Awards Luncheon at Steak & Eggs on Thursday, September 30th. Outgoing President Kimberly Hayes welcomed Division 25 Lt. Governor Pat Gamble.
The Legion of Honor Award was awarded to three Kiwanians who have been active members for over 25 years. Awards were presented to Dr. Richard Pitts (40 years), Dick White (45 years), and Sandie Howard (25 years). Dr. Larry Higgs was given the Distinguished Service Award. Joey Strain received the New Member of the Year Award, Mark Misner the Committee Chair of the Year Award, and Beckie Iverson the Board Member of the Year Award. Dennis Chaffin was awarded Kiwanian of the Year for his many contributions to the Club.
Incoming President Joe Hardzog was installed by Lt. Governor Pat Gamble. Serving with Pres. Hardzog are Beckie Iverson (President-Elect), John Rameriz (Vice President), Sandie Howard (Secretary), and Kathy Berryhill (Treasurer). Kiwanis Board of Directors for the coming year are Mark Misner, Joey Strain, Dr. Larry Higgs, Butch Murray, and past presidents Zak Dyer and Ryan Parnell.
Dick White was awarded the Layperson of the Year for 2020.