PHOTOS: Central Tech Students Earn Awards at BPA State Leadership Conference
Submitted// March 20, 2025
Drumright, OK – Students from Central Tech’s Digital Media and Business & Information Technology classes on the Drumright and Sapulpa campuses achieved remarkable success at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) State Leadership Conference held from March 2-5 in Tulsa, OK. They collectively earned 25 gold, silver, and bronze medals in team and individual competitions. Notably, four teams and three individuals secured first-place finishes, advancing them to the BPA National Leadership Conference scheduled for May 7-11 in Orlando, FL. The students showcased their skills in various categories, including business, finance, interviews, marketing, and presentations, competing against peers from across the state.
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2nd place in Broadcast Team (PS) was (L-R) T’Sifra Parsons, Bristow; Clair Robinette, Cushing; Layla Hicks, Mannford.2nd place in Economic Research Individual (S) and 3rd place in Management, Marketing and Human Resources Concepts – Open (S) was Ava Harris, Sapulpa.2nd place in Extemporaneous Speech (S) was TJ Jenkins, Cushing.1st place in Financial Analyst Team (S) was (L-R) Kadyn Lamm, Bristow; Eden Stromski, Jennings; Tegan Fine, Stroud; Noah Gosney, Jennings.2nd place in Fundamental Accounting was James “Levi” Stucks, Prue.1st place in Global Marketing Team (S) was (L-R) Ava Harris, Sapulpa; Madison Clarke, Kiefer.1st place in Interview Skills (PS) was Carmen Barton, Sapulpa.2nd place in Prepared Speech (S) was Makenna Hooks, Bristow.1st place in Presentation Individual (S) was Maggie Gower, Bristow.1st place in Presentation Individual (PS) was Layla Hicks, Mannford2nd place in Presentation Team (PS) was (L-R) Asher Davis, Sapulpa; Carmen Barton, Sapulpa; Benyamin Ackerman, Sapulpa.1st place in Presentation Team (S) was (L-R) Edie Tillery, Sapulpa; Kylie Carson, Eagle Point; Josh Hallford, Eagle Point.1st place in Small Business Management Team (S) was (L-R) Jacklyn Barrett, Mannford; Aleera McDonald, Mannford.
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