Sapulpa High School serves Veteran with the diploma he forfeited to serve his country

Veteran’s Day might be tomorrow, but Sapulpa is getting in the spirit a day early with their commemorative assemblies, and a very special honor for one Veteran.

William “Bud” Stinebuck was set to graduate Sapulpa High in 1943, but something kept him from getting that diploma—World War 2. Instead of walking the aisle to receive his diploma, he strapped on a pair of combat boots and went to serve our country.

73 years later, Sapulpa High School is making things right by awarding him an honorary diploma at today’s High School Veteran’s day assembly. As such, he’s an official member of the Alumni and can freely call himself a graduate of Sapulpa High, class of 1943.


Mr. Stinebuck, Sapulpa thanks you for your service to your country.

See more photos below.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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