Our officers deserve recognition during police week

I’ve lived a precarious life thus far by no choice of my own. A mentally unstable man tried to get into my home as a teen, a masked gunman robbed the bank where I was a very pregnant teller and I had a flat tire and spare on the highway out of town to name a few instances. Every single time, a law enforcement officer (LEO) came to the rescue and I have no doubt they would do the same for you. I even appreciate being pulled over for excessive speed when I was young and careless.

The officers I have spoken with over the years do not see themselves as heroes; they simply shrug and say, “I was just doing my job.” I admire their humility (a sign of a true hero) but in my book, anyone who puts their life on the line on a daily basis for the good of others is a hero, including the ones who have died in the line of duty.

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