Oklahoma organization helps give medical equipment to those in dire need

When my children get sick, I instantly am stressed about the cost of the doctor appointment, the medicine, and the time missed from work. It is painful and guilting worrying about these things when you should be comforting your child. Now as they get older I worry about one eventually breaking a leg or an arm playing sports. Not only because I don’t want them to be in pain…but I can’t afford the crutches or sling needed.

In all honesty, I can’t afford for my children to be kids. I know I am not the only parent who feels this way and children are not the only ones who cannot afford to get injured. So many adults and elderly are on a fixed income and go without the equipment needed just to put food on the table. Instead of using a crane, your grandfather may hold onto a table for balance. Instead of going out to eat with family, your grandmother may opt to stay home and not be a bother. Everyday in Oklahoma hundreds, if not thousands, go without proper equipment to help them heal and live their lives fully.

However, that number is slightly decreasing thanks to a man that everyone is calling, amazing. Jim Kinnamon. Who is Jim Kinnamon? Well according to LaDona Grizzle, “Jim Kinnamon is my Angel here on Earth. I have been trying for 5 years to get an electric chair to no avail. He posted on Facebook that he wanted to give away 3 chairs for Christmas and my daughter answered him and told him about me. He decided to go ahead and give me a chair then…because he felt that I needed it. My daughter brought it home as a surprise to me and did it! I was crying so hard I could not say anything.”


Jim Kinnamon is the founder of “Amazing Grace Medical Equipment”; an organization that collects gently used medical equipment and gives it to those in need. Since 2012 they have helped 2,100 Oklahomans get the medical equipment that they needed but could not afford. LaDona said that the wheelchair now enables her to travel and enjoy time with her family and eases the physical strain on her husband pushing her via wheelchair. I simply love what “Amazing Grace Medical Equipment” is doing and the impact they are making. They not only impact the recipient but their families as well. I can only imagine the lives they have saved and the hearts they have touched.

When you impact someone, that impact whether good or bad, affects the first 5 people they come in contact with. In this case, I would say that number is higher, because the use of the equipment, the impact of their kindness is felt daily. Mr. Kinnamon, you may have helped 2,100 people but I guarantee you have impacted tens of thousands.

Jim said that they continue to receive requests for more equipment but also have so much equipment currently donated that they are now seeking storage space and plan to grow their volunteer base. I asked Mr. Kinnamon about the process of receiving equipment and he said, “No process. If they need it. They get it.”

To learn more about the “Amazing Grace Medical Equipment” follow them at www.facebook.com/groups/girlzwithgoalz or email Angela Walsh at girlzwithgoalz@gmail.com.

Impact Challenge

Discuss 3 goals for 2016 with your child, boy or girl, and take steps to ensure they will achieve those goals. Achieving small goals now, will ensure their ability to achieve greater goals later.

If you would like to reach out to KD about an article or share a story about someone in Oklahoma making an impact, email her at ImpactOKColumn@gmail.com or via facebook.com/ImpactOklahomaColumn.

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