Oklahoma has 91 new cases of COVID-19, total now at 5,489; no new deaths in past 24 hours

As of Tuesday morning, there are 5,489 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma. 

There are six additional deaths; none of them occurred in the past 24 hours and the others died between May 4-May 17.

Three in Oklahoma County, two females in the 65 and older age group and a male in the 65 and older age group; One in McIntosh County, a male in the 65 and older age group; Two in Washington County, both females in the 65 and older age group. There are 294 total deaths in the state.


As highlighted in the Governor’s EO report published Monday evening, the State has processed since Saturday 16,308 specimens tested for COVID-19, which is an average of 5,400 tests processed a day. As a result, the percentage of positives derived from Oklahoma’s total COVID-19 tests has declined again to an all-time low of 4.4%.

Through a partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma and The Caring Foundation, OSDH is deploying Caring Vans providing free COVID-19 testing to underserved communities in Oklahoma City, increasing testing accessibility. This week, a Caring Van will be at the Latino Community Development Agency (lcdaok.com). COVID-19 testing is open to everyone 16 and older; people do not need to exhibit symptoms to be tested. More information can be found here.

COVID-19 testing sites are open in multiple cities in Oklahoma as a result of a cross-county, city and state health system partnership. Visit this page for updated dates and locations.

For more information, visit coronavirus.health.ok.gov.

COVID-19 Oklahoma Test Results

Confirmed Positive Cases5,489
*Total Cumulative Negative Specimens to Date 133,658
*Total Cumulative Number of Specimens to Date 140,262
**Currently Hospitalized 167
Total Cumulative Hospitalizations897
Deaths in the Past 24 hours0
Total Cumulative Deaths294

*The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals. 

**This number is a combination of hospitalized positive cases and hospitalized persons under investigation, as reported by hospitals at the time of the report. The data reflect a change in calculation and should not be compared to prior data. 

Data Source: Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health.
*As of 2020-05-19 at 7:00 a.m.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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