OK HD68 Candidates Angela Statum and Michael Ross to speak at Creek County Democrats

Two democratic candidates, who are facing off in an upcoming run-off election for Oklahoma House District 68, will be the speakers at the Creek County Democratic Party monthly meeting set for 6:30 pm July 19th in Sapulpa.

Stan Johnson, chairman of the Creek County Democratic Party, said the meeting will be held at Freddie’s Bar-Be-Que & Steakhouse, 1425 New Sapulpa Road, in Sapulpa. The candidates are Angela Statum and Michael Ross. Part of House District 68 falls in Creek County and the remainder is in Tulsa County.

Statum, a kindergarten teacher in the Tulsa Public School system, is seeking to “make a difference beyond the classroom.” She would support policies that increase per-pupil education funding. She also says “health [care] should not be a luxury” and that “Oklahomans should have access to mental health care.”


Ross, who has been an educator for 14 years, will be facing off against Statum in the Aug. 28th run-off election. He would advocate for increased school funding through stable revenue sources that would not affect other state agencies. He seeks a reversal of the policies that rejected the Medicaid expansion.

Johnson also said other nominees in the upcoming mid-term elections will be present. Candidates Rick Parris (SD 12) and Jesse Goodwin (HD 29) will be attending. Also invited is Jasha Lyons Echo-Hawk (HD35).

Johnson said the meeting, which is free to attend, begins at 6:30 pm. However, attendees can arrive at 6 pm for a optional dinner before the meeting. Cost is $11 per person for dinner. For more information, contact Johnson at 918-227-1586, or Fran Redding, vice-chairperson, at 918-693-3520. Or, visit the groups Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/creekcountydemocrats

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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