Now that’s some strong coffey

Tuesday’s fundraiser at Mazzio’s for Sapulpa Police Captain Glenn Coffey was a tremendous success. At last count the amount raised was near $8,600! The final numbers should be available soon.

J.K. McCormick, manager at Mazzio’s Pizza in Sapulpa, was grateful to the generous Sapulpa community for coming out in droves on Tuesday to support the Coffeys. According to a Facebook post of theirs, the Sapulpa Mazzio’s has “never had as many orders in such a short period of time as [they] did today. That is because of the love of the Coffey family! There has never been a fundraiser like” this one.

In fact, they had to stop taking orders around 6:30 p.m. because there were so many coming in so quickly. They had three full ovens cooking as fast as possible and could not keep up with the demand.


Captain Coffey has been diagnosed with Stage 4 hereditary liver disease and needs a life-saving liver transplant. Coffey has been with the Sapulpa police department for over 22 years and he and his wife, Brandi, have 6 children.

Glenn and Brandi spent two days last week at Integris Baptist Hospital in Oklahoma City so Glenn could complete the testing requirements for being placed on the transplant list. Now they are waiting to see if he has been approved by the “approval board” at the transplant institute in Oklahoma City.

Today Brandi told me that “Unfortunately [they] have not heard any news from the transplant facility on getting onto the transplant list as of today, Friday 3/8/19.” This will make for a long weekend of waiting.

She said that many people have inquired to see if they could be tested to be a living donor match. But that is not an option for Glenn and the type of liver disease he has. Additionally, the success rate for an adult-to-adult living donation is much lower than a transplant and the risk for complications for the donor is extremely high.

There are still lots of fundraising plans underway. There will be a day at Isabella’s Collection fashion boutique where a percentage sales goes to Coffey, a Saturday at Lori’s Sweet Sinsations where a percentage of sales will go to Coffey, an Elks spaghetti dinner in April or May, and a softball tournament around May 17-19.

There will also be a fundraiser at The Bearded Lady barbershop on South Main at some point.

Kendra Raney, The Officers of Bristow Police Department, and 10-8 Fitness is helping with “Cards for Coffey.” These are boxes filled with different types of greeting cards. Each box contains either 30 ($32.50, including tax) or 50 ($41) cards. To see a picture of the cards or to order them, visit the website or the Facebook page. This information will be at the end of the article.

T-shirts are on sale now until Wednesday, March 13. Shirt delivery will be sometime between the last week in March and the first week in April; a time and place for pick up is yet to be determined. The kids sizes are $15 and adults are $20. Kids sizes run small through extra large and adult sizes run small through 3XL. The shirts will be Bella canvas ring-spun cotton, soft style, short sleeve, and unisex. They are nice-looking purple shirts with cream-colored writing.

To order a shirt, you can email with your name, number of shirts, size, and school site if you work at Sapulpa Public Schools.

If you would rather keep it simple, you can drop off or mail a check to Spirit Bank under Glenn Coffey with “Team Coffey” in the memo line.

Brandi Coffey wants to give a big “thank you to the community for the continued support.”

The fundraisers will help the family pay for different medical procedures, the transplant process, medications, transportation, and other medical expenses, which can cost as much as $500,000.   

Stacey Berry, who is helping the Coffeys with the fundraising efforts, urges supporters to continue to watch for details and updates. The website has an event calendar, links to the Go Fund Me and PayPal donation pages, and information on all upcoming fundraising events. You can also stay up-to-date through the Facebook page, We Like Our Coffey Strong-Glenn Coffey Jr.

To make a flat donation, t-shirt order, or to ask questions and get more information you may email the team at

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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