“No Wind Catcher” movement is picking up steam as plans for substation move closer to Sapulpa

A group of concerned Oklahomans have become aware of an issue that has them taking action. Property owners report that they have been approached to sell rights to the Wind Catcher Project, to construct massive 765 kilowatt transmission line towers across their land. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has been discussing the pro’s and con’s of the issue, and may make a ruling on the project next week, concerned citizens tell RDMGtv. Those voicing opposition are not only the property owners in Oklahoma, but citizens that see issues with other risks they say could cause health issues.

Related Reading (Tulsa World): PSO adjusts Wind Catcher power line plans; Bixby drops opposition

Rob Dixon who points us to www.NoWindCatcher.com has been opposed to the project for some time. He tells RDMGtv that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission wants to hear and get feedback from Oklahomans on how they feel about the transmission lines being built here in our state.

Rob references the www.NoWindCatcher.com website that states: Wind Catcher is a proposed $4.5 billion power project to take electricity across Oklahoma and sell it to Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Less than one third of the power will be going to Oklahoma. Wind Catcher is being opposed by Oklahoma State Attorney General Mike Hunter who said that:

“PSO has not proven a need or a benefit for the project. We hate that there wasn’t competitive bidding as required by law” -12/21/2017

Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating commented on Oklahoma and wind energy. He said, “We made a mistake–a potentially $1 billion mistake! When I served as Governor, I signed a bill that was supposed to jumpstart the wind industry, help the state, and create jobs. It didn’t happen.

“This is a calamity for taxpayers–Corporate welfare of the worst kind! We’re on the hook to write blank checks to mostly out-of-state and foreign wind investors! All funded by you—the taxpayer. It cost us over $120 million last year alone—money for schools, for teachers, for kids—all gone.

“As your former Governor and a proud citizen of Oklahoma, I ask that all of us work together to end this now. Together, we must protect the future of Oklahoma. Thank you.” — Gov. Frank Keating (and he references “The Windfall Coalition”)

As Oklahomans learn more about the facts of the project, opposition seems to be coming from all sides. However, those opposed to the project say it is not enough to just assume the OK Corporation Commissioners know there is growing opposition to the Wind Catcher Project. Concerned Citizens of Wind Catcher want to recruit you, the citizens of Oklahoma, “to make your voice heard.”

Call the OK Corporation Commission at 405-521-2211 – before July 24th!

Tell them NO to the Wind Catcher Project in Oklahoma

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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