No, Sapulpa Public Schools students are not going to have to repeat a grade

A previous story that Sapulpa Times published on Wednesday morning—and then pulled almost immediately—is still gaining enough attention that we’re now publishing a separate story to clear up the confusion: No, Sapulpa students are not going to have to repeat their grade next year.

The story was not endorsed by, approved by, or even known about by any of the Sapulpa Schools Administration when it went live on Wednesday morning, but SPS are the ones now having to deal with frantic parents and angry teachers.

The story was meant as an innocent April Fools’ Day joke and was an attempt to draw some humor into a time where it’s sorely needed. In hindsight, publishing the story was a mistake and the joke was not funny to a lot of the anxious parents and teachers who are dealing with preparing for distance learning next week. We sincerely apologize for any grief or stress the story may have caused.


Now, what’s not a joke is that yes, Sapulpa Public Schools is starting their Distance Learning program on Monday, April 6th. You may have questions about that. SPS has prepared a webpage that answers many of those most frequently asked questions. You can see it here.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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