Nine Creek County employees now certified “Road Scholars”

ROAD SCHOLARS — Nine Creek County employees from District 2 including the commissioner himself, have been certified as “Road Scholars” by the Oklahoma State University Extension. From left, Tim Edens, Steve Thompson, Earl Steely, Colt Moore, Paul Guinn, Commissioner Rick Stewart, Lance Barton, Jay Evans and Foreman Mike Anthamatten (in front) represented the largest group to receive certificates on Wednesday.
The nine who completed the OSU Road Scholar Program have attended conferences and workshops over the past 18 months to earn the certification. Others of the 21 employees of District 2 also are working through the process.
The Roads Scholars completed such training as land surveying, aggregate road maintenance, plan reading and equipment maintenance classes. The LTAP (Local Technical Assistance Program) is something Stewart was made aware of as he completed his state statute-mandated training as an elected county commissioner.
He was so sold on the program that it is now required training for his district employees. And it has paid off in more efficiency and know how.
“This gives them credibility and confidence,” Stewart said. “And it absolutely shows up in the work being done in Creek County’s District 2. He cited the aggregate road maintenance training put to use on 177th West Ave. When the state made a visit Stewart and the men were told they were performing the work “exactly the way it needed to be done.”
“The training has made a huge difference in the way we get our work done,” Stewart said.
“The training and certification marks the first time District 2 employees have been involved or had the opportunity to attend any thing like this,” Stewart said.
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