Neighbors of 81st and Frankoma development area continue quest to investigate the City

West 81st Street and Frankoma Road neighbors have persisted in their push for the Oklahoma Attorney General to open an investigation into the City of Sapulpa despite the nearby development being denied by the Planning Commission on June 23rd and despite City Attorney David Widdoes’s comments that their allegations are “scurrilous and completely devoid of merit.”

When speaking to the neighboring homeowners, they insist “We’re not trying to cause trouble. Our intent is to prevent something being put there that would lower the value of our properties.” They are also eager to see the land used in a way that they feel is in accord with its surroundings. They say they would not balk at a smaller development of higher end homes, such as 40 to 45 homes priced around $300,000, or a communal green space similar to the Gathering Place in Tulsa. Neighbor and local school teacher of 38 years Kathy Harrison suggests creating a nature preserve on the property with a nature center and amphitheater; a place for schools to take kids on field trips. “I’d love to see the wildlife kept intact,” she stated. “It would be a feather in the City’s cap.”

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Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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