Nature Knows Best: How to deal with an emergency…naturally!

We recently found ourselves dealing with a broken bone that needed surgery. As a mom it was hard not being able to do much…or could I? After some reflection about our experience here are some things that may work for you and your family one day.

Speak up!  Ask questions! Granted, in a life or death emergency I wouldn’t care what was done to save my loved ones life…just please do everything you can. But, if you have your wits about you and there is time, it’s wise to ask questions. I am so proud of my husband who spoke up at the emergency room; I was not there much to my dismay. The nurse carried in an IV bag and he asked what was in it. After some discussion they settled on an alternative everyone was happy with.

For the most part doctors, nurses and surgeons are open to hearing what you have to say and actually want you to speak up about any concerns. This should always be done with respect. There may be that one professional who is close minded but I’m pretty sure they would say the same thing about us patients. Just remember: it’s your body and you always have choices! It’s okay to say, “So…we are a more natural family and we prefer medication as mild as possible…” or “I hate pain. I don’t want to feel ANY. Make it go away…and fast.”


Now is not the time to forget vitamins as tempting as it is.  The patient and caregivers need Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and their multivitamin to help counteract stress in the days ahead not to mention all the germs you’ll be encountering at the hospital, doctors offices etc. A healthy immune system is vital! Please make sure to inform medical personnel.

B Vitamins are recommended during a time of stress for all involved. Remember if the gene mutation MTHFR is a factor then Methylated B Vitamins are a must.

If antibiotics come into play for the patient, then probiotics and fermented drinks or foods are an ABSOLUTE. The good bacteria must be replenished for a patient of any age. I can’t stress this enough. Good probiotics can be found at the health food store supplement section in the refrigerator.

For our “Road to Recovery Plan” our child will be taking bone knitting herbs to help speed up recovery time. Comfrey and Nettle are known to strengthen damaged bones. This can be done with herbal teas, supplements.

Essential oils came to our rescue. We used blends to help us relax and sleep, to diminish headaches (let’s face it, emergencies and surgeries are not fun) and guess what? There are EO’s to help with the healing of bones too!

Our child did have pain medication and anesthesia that obviously is not natural. When that happens there are ways to help detoxify the body, especially the liver.   

A few are:

1. Milk Thistle is an herb that helps the liver detoxify. The typical dose for adults is 70 mg three times a day but for a child we’ll go with a mild detox tea that contains Milk Thistle. This herb should not be consumed if you are allergic to ragweed or plants in that family or have any hormone-related cancers. You can usually take this herb one week before and one to two weeks after surgery but check with your doctor or surgeon to discuss possible blood thinning.

There are a few other herbs and supplements that can help. I encourage you to do some research from a reputable natural health site, visit with your naturally minded doctor and please remember to run it by your team of medical professionals!

2. Drink a lot of fluids to get those chemicals flushed out. Choose filtered water, broth, 100% juice and herbal teas. Soda pop should not be in your pantry and surprisingly Gatorade is high in sugar and artificial additives.

3. Avoid processed foods. This only makes your body work harder to digest the fats and adulterated foods instead of focusing on getting you back on track.

4. Prunes, prune juice or fiber. I’ll just leave that right here.

Every situation will be different as will everyone’s “Road to Recovery Plan.” Stay calm and positive. Ask for help if you need it. You got this!

“The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” ~Aristotle

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