Candidates for municipal office in two Creek County municipalities may file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Wednesday, January 4, 2017.
Joy Naifeh, Secretary of the Creek County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. Friday, January 6.
Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board office for the indicated offices for each of the following municipalities:

City of Bristow: Councilmember – Ward One, Councilmember- Ward Two, Councilmember- Ward Three, Councilmember- Ward Four, all four year terms.
City of Drumright: Commissioner-Ward One, Commissioner- Ward Three, and Commissioner-At Large, all two year terms.
The municipal offices at stake in the cities of Bristow and Drumright will be filled in the Nonpartisan Primary election scheduled February, 14,2017, or if needed a General election scheduled April 4, 2017.