Is your kid a bit short on school supplies? Don’t worry, these girls have got you covered.

Troop 73 of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma installed a second and third school supplies station at Sapulpa’s Middle School and Jr.-Sr. High School, respectively. The bright yellow, bus-shaped boxes are filled with free school supplies, including markers, pens, binders, folders—just about anything you need, and they’re free for anyone who might need something in a pinch.
The construction of the bus boxes is the project this troop has undertaken in order to gain their Silver Award. Their first box was pencil-shaped, and placed in front of Jefferson Heights Elementary.
Troop Leader Rachel Burrow told Sapulpa Times in October of 2019 the troop had previously earned their Bronze award in June of 2018 by creating care packages for cancer patients. They contained socks, candy, disposable toothbrushes, crossword puzzles and more. Burrow said they donated over 100 bags to Cancer Treatment of America.
The Silver Award requires an ongoing solution and a commitment to at least 50 hours of work. She estimated that combined, these Pencil Boxes would require 100 to 120 hours of work.
Each of these boxes took about ten to fifteen hours to create, and the troop has now completed three of the eight total boxes they have planned. The remaining locations are Holmes Park Elementary—rumored to be shaped like a crayon, if they can pull off a cylindrical shape—Freedom Elementary, Bartlett Academy, Liberty STEM, and the Administration Building. Burrow said they weren’t sure yet on a timeline for those.
Additional donations of school supplies are welcome at the boxes at any time.