Megan Plummer named Ag teacher of year finalist

(SPS) – Holmes Park Elementary teacher Megan Plummer has been named a finalist for Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year.

She is one of five finalists who will be recognized April 2 in Oklahoma City and receive citations from our state legislators. Plummer will also get to attend the National AITC Conference this summer in Little Rock, Ark.

“I was surprised and honored to be chosen as the elementary finalist for OK AITC among so many other worthy teachers in the state. My class was extremely excited as well, which made it so much more fun,” said Plummer.


The purpose of Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom is to help familiarize Oklahoma school children with Oklahoma’s food and fiber industry by providing resources for Oklahoma teachers.

Plummer uses agriculture lessons in her curriculum to help engage her students in the learning process. Whether it’s in math by calculating the distance food may travel from the farm to the marketplace or in her art lessons by having the students create maps to illustrate the commodities in Creek County, she says it’s important to incorporate agriculture because it’s used so much in our daily lives.

“Many of my students had no prior knowledge of this important subject, and they love to learn about agriculture and it is something they would not have the opportunity to learn about without this wonderful program.”

Because of the program, Plummer has also noticed her students have become teachers at home.

“They truly enjoy learning more about the different parts of agriculture and being able to go home and share these things with their families. They always like to come back and tell me how they shared information with their parents that their parents did not know. You can see the pride in their faces and it really allows them to take ownership of their learning!”

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