As COVID-19 swept the nation, many found themselves in the same predicament 18-year-old Carter Newcomb did: stuck at home and bored out of their skull.
“I was feeling stagnant, just sitting around the house,” he says. “I wanted an adventure.”
So the teenager from Midland, Michigan found a very unorthodox way to get around his stagnant boredom: he climbed on his bicycle and began riding.
And riding. And riding.
At some point, he made the decision that he was going to follow the entirety of Route 66 from Illinois to California. Twenty-four days into his trip, he came into Sapulpa and thanks to an active Facebook following on different Route 66 groups in the area, he’s had all the help he needed.
He anticipates the journey will take him about two months. Newcomb says although he dropped out of high school, he plans to return to get his GED after he’s completed his adventure.
Godspeed, Carter. Enjoy the trip!