Meet Kellyville’s new Police Chief: “We’re all in it together.”

The interim Police Chief in Kellyville, taking the reins after the Board of Trustees fired Police Chief W. T. “Mac” McWhirt, is Byron Davis, a long-time Creek County employee. He had recently been the Field Appraiser for the County and a Reserve Officer with Creek County beginning in 2013. Prior to that, he was the Creek County Treasurer.

He became part-time in the police force in 2017, and full-time in 2018. He qualified with CLEET Training in April of 2019.

His philosophy is simple: “Just try to help people. I change as many tires as I write tickets…we’re all in it together.”


He said that drugs, domestic violence, DUIs, Breaking & Entering, crimes in general, are about what you’d expect in any small town. Kellyville is not a crime-ridden place.

Chief Davis said the biggest challenge on his job is that “People don’t want to do it anymore.” Right now, to provide full coverage for the town, he and his Deputy Stoups are on-call for 12-hour shifts every day, with the five Reservists filling in the occasional gaps.

Further, while Chief Davis is an Interim Chief, he isn’t allowed to hire anyone else, even if a candidate were available. Chief said he just finished thirty days as Interim and has sixty more to go before the town approves him fully.

During the meeting, the Trustees discussed whether or not the Department Heads were able to spend available money at their own discretion and if Chief Davis was keeping a call-log as requested. He relieved some of the tension in the room by remarking, “Hey, I just got here!” Everyone laughed. Then he said he was, indeed, keeping a log of all police calls.

Welcome aboard, Chief Davis!

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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