Meet Chris Root, Democrat candidate for District 3 Commissioner

Chris Root, 63, of Bristow, is running for District 3 Creek County Commissioner.

When asked why voters should elect him, Root replied:

“I truly believe I am the right choice for County Commissioner, District 3. I have lived my entire life in the Bristow area on our family-owned and operated cattle ranch. 


Ranching and farming have taught me strong family values and work ethics. The Root family is from pioneer stock and has been in the Bristow area since 1902.”

Chris Root speaks at a Creek County Democrat meeting.

Root has 25 years of business experience working for Fortune 500 companies, including Oxy-Cities Service, Amerada Hess, and Medallion Petroleum.

He brings to the table management, budget, accounting, and auditing skills that were sharply honed while employed by these corporations.

Root has also worked part-time for Root Properties Real Estate and Root Hometown Furniture.

“I feel my experience and work history would be beneficial as your county commissioner. I want to give back by providing a much-needed service to our county,” said Root.

Root laid out five goals if elected:

1. Balance the budget by performing an audit and analysis of the budget to ensure taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely and those monies are being expended to ensure the needs of Creek County citizens are being met. “By reviewing the budget one can see the complex relationship of all the moving parts that compose the county.”

2. Create an environment where the local business community can thrive. This can be achieved by encouraging expansion and new business development through prudent land-use planning and zoning. “As we all know, great things happen when we plan ahead.”

3. Ensure greater public safety by making sure Creek County roads and bridges are up to par and meet stringent standards. The candidate explained that county roads and bridges are funded primarily from motor vehicle and fuel taxes. He went on to say that Oklahoma counties are eligible to receive money from the CIRB (County Improvement for Roads and Bridges) fund which is overseen by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. Root pointed out several priming bills passed during the last session of the Oklahoma legislature such as HB 2892, which is a new $30 million motor fuel formula and SB 2900, which transfers $20 million to the CIRB. Root lamented that even with these additional funding/ sources the county is facing a substantial budget deficit. “The only way to crawl out of this is to apply extreme efforts in applying for all grants.”

4. Create a sense of solidarity and teamwork by motivating county employees to “contribute to the success of our county and to their personal success.”

5. Open lines of communication to ascertain the needs of county communities and meet those needs. “For our county commissioners to be the most effective and efficient, we need more commissioner input/control, more flexibility in design and implementation. And stretch funds to get more per mile.”

Root reiterated his work history and skills make him the right man for the job. He urges everyone to vote for him on September 14 to ensure “a brighter future.”

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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