Medical Marijuana Dispensary Approved

Featured Image: Steve and Becky Roper are applying for an SUP for a Medical Marijuana Dispensary.

The Sapulpa Municipal Authority Planning Commission (SMAPC) meeting (City and County) was about the shortest on record. Remember that the SMAPC is a recommending body for the City Council.

The commissioners present and voting were John Mark Young, Lou Martin, Jr., Debbie Frost, Andrew Probst (Chair), Randy Wood, David Smith and Kayla Parnell.


Steve and Becky Roper were there to apply for a Special Use Permit for a Medical Marijuana Dispensary that is planned for Main Street, south of McDonald’s. It will be called “VaporHerbs,” and this is the first step in its long approval path. All the commissioners voted in favor of the dispensary, except lawyer John Mark Young, who restated his objection that it was “against federal law.” The Ropers will be attending the City Council meeting on March 4th for the next move toward opening their retail business.

In the County portion of the meeting, there were two lot-splits approved for possible future development. Some inquiry and discussion resulted but the leaders approved nonetheless.

Richard Johnson of Mannford was one of the applicants, who claimed he may or may not move there. Neighbors, Jay and Latrice Miller, were concerned that a subdivision full of mobile homes would be the result from the split and their valuable property would be less of a “country home.” Nikki Howard (Urban Development Director) made it clear that there would only be one home per lot. It was approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

After the meeting, Nikki Howard spoke to Sapulpa Times saying that the economy of Sapulpa would not support 10 dispensaries, and that the town had just about reached that point. She explained that next month, there would be SUPs up for approval for several more dispensaries, a grow site, and a clinic.

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