Meals On Wheels Coming To Sapulpa

Max Lewis, a former volunteer in the Senior Nutrition Program and a volunteer for Caring Community Friends has a passion for serving those in need. He started a search last year to find support for bringing Meals On Wheels to Sapulpa. Lewis contacted First Presbyterian Church since they host free meals every Tuesday in their Centennial Hall as well as delivering meals to those who are home-bound.

Max Lewis addressing members of the Meals wheels planning committee meeting at First Presbyterian Church. Charles Betzler photo

Charlie Johnson, Missions Committee Chairman, who oversees the FPC’s efforts to feed those in need, worked with Mr. Lewis to reach out to interested parties, such as Vice-Mayor Lou Martin, a member of The Ministerial Alliance, and Penny Woolery, Creek County Director of RSVP. Mr. Lewis formed a steering committee that met yesterday at First Presbyterian Church. Members present were: Max Lewis, Charlie Johnson, Missions Chair for FPC, Pam Snyder, Office Manager at FPC, Marc Bloomingdale, Chief Operating Officer, Meals on Wheels Tulsa, Tara Harris, Director of Volunteer Services, Meals on Wheels Tulsa, Penny Woolery, Creek County Director, RSVP, and Lou Martin, Vice Mayor and member of the Ministerial Alliance.

Lewis opened the meeting, detailing the former Senior Nutrition Program. The program was run by a for-profit food company, and due to the loss of grant money, who ended the program. Lewis introduced those present and then opened the floor to Marc Bloomingdale, COO of MOW.


Mr. Bloomingdale explained that Meals on Wheels is 100 percent privately funded and that Meals On Wheels is often confused with other meals programs that are mistakenly referred to as Meals on Wheels.

Meals on Wheels is a non-profit 501 C 3 that delivers freshly-cooked, hot meals to recipients that are primarily older than 60 and because of physical limitations, struggle to shop for or prepare meals. Serving this population is what Meals On Wheels of Metro Tulsa is founded on and has been doing since 1970.

MOW also offers a breakfast program, a home safety program that helps support independent living, as well as the Paws Program, which delivers a month-long supply of supplemental pet food, to ensure the recipients are not sacrificing their meals to protect their pets from hunger.

Mr. Bloomingdale explained that a distribution site, which FPC has graciously provided, along with obtaining volunteers is the first step in making this program a reality in Sapulpa. Next will be funding, which will require some corporate and public participation. This is an admirable and ambitious project that will serve those most in need in the Sapulpa area. For those who wish to volunteer or contribute in any way to this life-saving program, contact Marc Bloomingdale at 918-921-3569, Tara harris at 918-921-3563, or go to

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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