McGoy Park to get new playground equipment

McGoy Park, located at 198-2 N Leonard St., has been approved for new playground equipment after a vote by Sapulpa City Council on April 17th.

The small playground is one of the lesser-known of Sapulpa’s parks but still frequented by families in the area that want something different than the vast expansions of Kelly Lane or Davis Parks.

Renderings by Cunningham Recreation.

Known for basketball and large picnics, the park is named after late City Councilor Milton McGoy who represented Ward 2. The park features a covered picnic shelter, basketball court, and until now, metal play equipment that looks more like large alien bugs have descended upon Sapulpa.


This quote seen by the City Council last week was for the purchase and installation of playground equipment per the 2019 GO Bond proposition for Park Improvements. A new bathroom, which was also part of the bond, has already been completed.

Cunningham Recreation provided two proposals through Omnia US Communities co-op which were reviewed by the Park Advisory Board, Sapulpa Park staff, neighborhood members, and the McGoy family. All groups came to the conclusion of recommending “Option #1” as a structure different than those found at other parks, providing something unique and special for McGoy Park.

The City Council voted unanimously to approve the purchase and installation, but an expected start date has not been released.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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