Master Gardeners to host training event

Kathy Berryhill
Creek County Master Gardener

Creek County Master Gardeners will be hosting a free event on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021. This event will be held at the Sapulpa Public Library beginning at 10:30 AM in Frank Hall. After a short MG business meeting, a guest speaker from Up With Trees will present a talk on maintaining trees in the landscape. Guests will receive a gardening bag with literature pertaining to fall gardening and refreshments will be served. The event is free, but guests are asked to sign up by emailing|

Like other gardeners, much of the fall work for Master Gardeners involves preparing their plants for the colder temperatures ahead. But in addition to outside work, Creek County Master Gardeners will continue participating in community service and receiving up-to-date, research-based information through speakers and videos. CCMGs actively volunteer year-round in community service and continuing education, while meeting and working with people who love gardening.  These activities help the Master Gardener program which has been developed to help OSU Extension Educators relay knowledge and expertise to the public.


2019 Master Gardener Graduates

Have you ever thought about learning more about growing plants or wondered about what it would take to become a Creek County Master Gardener? Individuals residing in Creek County with an interest in gardening, ongoing training and volunteer service are potential candidates for the program. No previous formal training is necessary. 

Due to the recent pandemic, Creek County Master Gardener training classes have not been held since 2019.  However, a new MG training class has been scheduled during the week of February 7-11, 2022. Classes will be held at the OSU Extension Center located on the Creek County Fairgrounds from 8 AM-4 PM daily. The classroom training will be coordinated by Olivia Tootheman, with the assistance of state extension specialists located at OSU. If you would like to take the program but are unable to attend in person, a new component will allow participants to take the training virtually. Applications are available by calling Olivia Toothman at (918) 224 2192.

Components of the training include learning about the culture and maintenance of many plants. Soil composition, fertilizing, insect, and disease control topics are included. While this is a practical and thorough training program, assistance is provided to those enrolled in the program so they will be prepared to complete the course. After becoming an MG, participants will work with other MG(s) to share knowledge in the community and to work with other MG(s) volunteering time to projects and events. The Creek County Master Gardeners attend monthly meetings. Ongoing activities include our Demonstration Garden at the OSU Extension Center, MG Plant Sale in the spring, MG Garden Tour in the summer, a booth at the Route 66 Festival and at Creek County Fair and projects such as care of the Chief Sapulpa Cemetery.

Whether you have an interest in becoming a Master Gardener or not, time spent with friends and gaining gardening knowledge is always well spent! We hope you will join us at the Nov. 13th MG Event!

Happy Gardening

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