Kathy Berryhill
Creek County Master Gardener
Creek County Master Gardeners are preparing for their annual Plant & Yard Sale. The 2023 CCMG sale will be held on Saturday, May 6th and will be located on the NW corner of the Creek County Courthouse parking lot. The hours are 7:30-11 AM. In addition to great pricing and a huge variety of plants, attendees will have the benefit of talking with Master Gardeners. Dressed in the familiar lime green shirts, MGs will be ready to answer your questions about growing conditions, plant diseases, pest control and other gardening issues. Categories of plants include perennials, annuals, herbs, vegetables and succulents.

Plants offered for sale are those that grow well in local MGs yards or have been started from seed and are known to be reliable. The variety and uniqueness of the plants are well-suited for this climate. Master Gardeners are versed in the successful growth and reliability of plants in our hardiness zone and can offer research-based gardening tips.
Spring is a great time to divide perennial plants for replanting. One such popular perennial that will be available is the yellow blooming Thread leaf Coreopsis. Other varieties to choose from include Hosta’s, daylilies, monkey grass, purple heart, ajuga, sedum, mother of millions and cannas.

The sale will include pollinator plants, which attract butterflies & bees. Anemone, sunflowers, coneflower, asters, verbena, Eastern Red Columbine, Vining Grape Hyacinth, Black-eyed Susan, daisies and phlox will be among the choices. Drought-tolerant sages, ground covers and house plants will be found at the sale as well. Baskets and flower pots for sun and shade are always a favorite and will be priced to make plant dollars go further.

A new addition to the plant sale this year is various items for the yard & patio. There will be a good selection of décor, pots, tools & books for gardeners.
Plan to arrive at the sale early for the best selection in plants. Proceeds from the CCMG Plant Sale help provide funds for scholarships, continuing training and community beautification projects.