Master Gardener annual plant sale on May 1st

Kathy Berryhil
Creek County Master Gardener

Gardeners truly have a love-hate relationship with spring in Oklahoma! While we absolutely adore the arrival of warm sunny days, we worry over late freezes and spend hours nurturing our young plants along. If you are like me, everything else takes a back seat to my gardens at this time of the year! 

Creek County Master Gardeners have an additional task on their lists. Many hours are spent getting ready for our annual plant sale. This year’s sale will be held on May 1st, coinciding with the opening day of the Main Street Farmer’s Market. We will again be located in the northwest corner of the Creek County Courthouse parking lot. The sale hours will be 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Four categories of plants will be available: perennials, annuals, herbs, and vegetables. Also, this year we will have painted rocks for sale. MG artists Kathleen Curran and Jan Allen have added garden designs and plant names to large, smooth rocks. Adding these colorful rocks among plants will bring a fun design element to your garden plan. 


As Master Gardeners, we have studied the growth and reliability of plants in our area. We observe what thrives and survives and can’t wait to share them with local gardeners. Springtime is the perfect time to divide perennials so that they can easily be grown. Drought tolerant sages and ground covers will be available. We have flowers for sun and shade that spread and provide glorious color every year. Baskets and flower pots of annuals that bloom all season are always a favorite and they are priced to make your plant dollar go further. The herbs and vegetables that season summer dishes are ready to go into the ground and will provide flavor until our fall freezing temperatures arrive. 

Our favorite part of the sale, though, is talking with gardeners and sharing knowledge. Dressed in our lime green MG shirts, we will be ready to answer your questions about growing conditions, plant diseases, and pest control. Your support helps provide funds for scholarships, training, and community beautification projects. Hope to see you there!

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