Mark your calendar for these upcoming local events

Thursday, February 16th

Sapulpa Chamber’s Business over Breakfast Thursday, Feb 16th! Topic is Estate Planning. $15-20 for breakfast and it’s at Steak and Eggs. Get your tickets at or call Kayla at 918-224-0170.

The next meeting of the Creek County Democratic Party will be held Thursday, February 16, at the Bristow Community Center, 417 North Chestnut in Bristow. The guest speakers will be  Austin Webb from TogetherOK, and Dakota Christian from Yes on 820. Attendance is free, and a pizza and pasta bar dinner will be available for $10. Dinner is at 6:00pm, and the meeting proper will begin about 6:30. For more information call 918-978-0117 or visit the Creek County Democrats Facebook page.

Saturday, February 18th

There’s a Father-Daughter Dance by Young Minds Big Ideas at the Elks Lodge on Saturday, February 18th 6-8pm, tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door.


Next Month

Karaoke Night at the Dancing Skeleton Meadery on Thursday, March 2nd, from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm. Come join us for a night of mead and karaoke! Dancing Skeleton is located at 609b S. Main in Sapulpa.

Sapulpa Community Theatre is preparing for their first show of the season! The show is called “Those Crazy Ladies in the House on the Corner” and is about 3 geriatric sisters who just sit at home and talk, planning parties, and pulling pranks, and then a nephew who shows up with plans to sell their house and move them to an old folks home. What could happen? Comedy of course! This heart-warming piece is loaded with one-liners and comedic situations that will have you laughing out loud. Tickets are $5 for students and $12 for adults, and can be purchased at The show opens March 3rd.

The 2023 Organizational Meetings for Precinct Committees (commonly called “Precinct Meetings”) for the Creek County Democratic Party will be held Thursday, March 16, 2023. 

The meetings in Creek County will be held  in Sapulpa at the Booker T. Washington Recreation Center, 209 N Gray; and in Bristow at the Bristow Community Center, 417 N Chestnut.

 Stan Johnson will Chair the Sapulpa meeting; Dewayne Scaife will chair the Bristow meeting. The meetings will begin at 6:30, but no votes may be taken until 7:00, per the bylaws.

Later this Year

Sapulpa Elks Senior Boys Annual Buddy Banquet will be Tuesday, April 18th at 6:00pm. This banquet is a dinner to congratulate the boys on graduating high school and provide a night of fun from the community. Attendance is free for local high school seniors boys from the area.

The 2023 Revival Run will be April 29th at the Creek County Courthouse. Enjoy a full day of fun activities at the Revival Run Block and 5K! Local businesses, churches and ministries coming together to see revival spread through Sapulpa and out to the nation. Come check out all the booths, get swag and play games!

$35 entry for 5K run at 9am; Kids Run is free at 11am. Live music, food vendors, inflatables, door prizes, games and more will be available from 9am to 4pm at the Creek County Courthouse, 222 E. Dewey Ave.

Watch this Space:

A new group of residents, business owners and community leaders calling themselves “Kickin’ 66” have started work on a number of new events to capitalize on the momentum Sapulpa gained from the Christmas Chute. More details to come, but so far they are planning five events for the remainder of the year:

  • Saint Patrick’s Day – March 17th;
  • Sapulpa’s 125th Birthday Celebration – March 31st and April 1st;
  • Cinco De Mayo – May 5th;
  • Petunia Fest – July 7th – 8th
  • Prom: “Dancing Thru the Decades – September 23rd
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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