Makes Sense Foundation to offer scholarship to Sapulpa graduate

The Make Sense Foundation, located in the Burnett Mansion at 320 S. Main Street and also founded by Joni Rogers-Kante, CEO and Founder of SeneGence International is proud to announce that as part of our annual Scholarship Program, one deserving Sapulpa Female Graduate will ultimately be awarded a college scholarship to attend the university of their choice in Fall 2021.

The Make Sense Foundation Scholarship Program was designed as another opportunity to continue our mission in supporting women and children as they pursue their educational goals.  Winners are chosen based on their contributions to their community, academic excellence, future goals, financial need, and overall decorum demonstrated in essay submission as well as their video.

  • Students eligible for the Make Sense Foundation Scholarship must meet the following criteria:
  • Must be a Sapulpa High School female who is preparing to enter college 
  • Complete the Online application in full providing all necessary documentation
  • Provide a copy of their High School Transcript 
  • Provide test scores for either SAT or ACT or both
  • Provide two letters of reference (no family members)
  • Provide a short video message (3-5 minutes)

Applicants will also be required to answer questions about their life experiences, any challenges they have overcame as they work to achieve their academic goals. They will be required to describe their academic and career goals and how they plan to achieve them as well as discuss any volunteer or extracurricular activities. We will also want to hear about any leadership roles they have earned what they learned about themselves. 


The Application form will be available on The Make Sense Foundation Website starting on March 15, 2021.  All applications will be accepted through midnight on May 15, 2021 with all final winners announced in July.  Please email us with any questions at

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to

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