Make Sense Foundation announces Kendra McColloch as new executive director

Joni Rogers-Kante, Founder & CEO of SeneGence and the non-profit organization, the Make Sense Foundation (MSF) announced a new Executive Director, Kendra McColloch.

Kendra McColloch

With over 20 years of global experience, McColloch is widely considered an expert in event management and results-driven marketing strategies.  Her commitment to customer relations, B2B marketing, and account management have proven to be an asset to organizations in the corporate and nonprofit sectors.

“The past year has been extremely difficult for people on many levels. One of my goals with MSF is to expand our reach to ensure we are making positive impacts on the lives of women and children all over the world”, she explains.


Kendra joined SeneGence in December 2020 and focuses on raising awareness and support for the MSF through strategic social media, connecting with partner agencies, liaising with company distributors, and hosting fundraisers. She is passionate about the MSF’s mission and considers it an honor to contribute to improving the lives of others.  Kendra previously served as Account Executive with the Tulsa Area United Way and held managerial roles with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Valerus Compression, and PennWell Corp.

About Make Sense Foundation  The Make Sense Foundation (MSF) was created by Joni Rogers-Kante as part of an overall plan to give back to the community and make a real impact on the lives of women and children in need. MSF has donated time, services, creativity, and funds to a multitude of organizations over the past two decades. MSF is proud to offer scholarship award opportunities for outstanding female youth who are college-bound. Supporting educational goals of deserving young women allows us to continue to give back to our communities and support future success.

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