Lots of surplusing in this week’s Creek County Commissioners meeting

Monday, August 27, 2018, the Creek County Commissioners met in their weekly meeting to attend to county business. On the agenda was surplusing a 2014 Dodge Charger and giving it to the Town of Sperry. The town is aware that the Charger has a “blown engine,” and may have an extra engine to put in it, according to Bret Bowling of the Sheriff’s Office. The signing of the yearly contract between Oklahoma State University’s Cooperative Extension Office, and discussion of awarding asphalt overlays for District 1 were approved.

Another important agenda item was the Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract between the USA (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) and the Board of County Commissioners for law enforcement services at Heyburn Lake. This was approved.

The Drumright Health Department has been closed for quite a while. The Commissioners agreed to consider surplus and disposal of equipment from the facility, to be available for the other County offices, and at a later date, open to the public for purchase. There are dozens of stackable chairs, office chairs, desks, bookcases, an examining table, file cabinets of various sizes, and even large toys. There will be an announcement later in the year for the public’s benefit.


Surplusing a building-sized pile of metal and other recyclable materials and soliciting for sealed bids on storage containers (in “poor shape”) in District 2 were also approved by the Commission. The bids can take place after September 10th, 2018.

Last meeting, on the 20th of August, the County had received seven bids on asphalt overlays in District 1. Rick Selsor, Supervisor of the District 1 Highway Department, spoke about contracts he had looked at. The Commissioners decided on APAC, at a cost of $858,000 or $58.00 a ton. There are several projects.

Newt Stephens, of District 1, asked if the Contingency Check (to cover 5 percent over-runs) should be cut at the same time. Andrew Goforth, from the D.A.’s office said that awarding the contract “permits the contract.” Both checks were approved.

A most important paper shuffle was the signing of Schedules of Federal Awards to be submitted to the Oklahoma State Auditor’s Office. This paper work was also signed by the recently re-elected County Treasurer, Don Engle. Dana Logsden, Assistant County Commissioner, explained it was for “keeping track of the Federal money awarded,” so the county can be audited.

A utility request was granted to Oklahoma Natural Gas to cross South 97th at Highway 75 and State Highway 67 Junction in District 1.

The Creek County Treasurer was directed to credit the Creek County Commissioners’ account Workman’s Compensation in the amount of $16, 943.13 total with funds received from the County Clerk’s Payroll Fund, Treasurer’s Mortgage Tax Account Fund, Sheriff Service Fee Courthouse Security fund, and a dozen other county entities’ funds.

In attendance were Lane Whitehouse, District 3, Leon Warner, District 2, leading the proceedings, and Newt Stephens, District 1. Tabulating the votes was Jennifer Mortazavi, County Clerk.

The next meeting of the Creek County Commissioners is Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 9 a.m., in Room 103 of the Collins Building. This is a change due to Labor Day (a federal holiday ) falling on the Monday, which is the regular meeting day.

Featured Image: Don Engle, Creek County Treasurer, looks at the camera as Lane Whitehouse, Leon Warner and Newt Stephens sign paperwork at a Creek County Commissioners meeting. Photo by Lottie Wilds

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